Saturday, April 7, 2007

Welcome to Bree


This is my new blog. I called it Blog at Bree because Bree was the town just outside the Shire. The town was a crossroads between what was normal and what was the beginning of a great adventure.


Anonymous said...

I like your blog title and how you came up with it. Saw your comments @ Andrea's blog..thought I would come over here for a look.
The Tolkien books have such a way of taking you to the Shire don't they? Strong Coffee. Do they have that @ the Prancing Pony?
I'll be right over!

Chris said...


Come on in the Prancing Pony and make yourself at home! We like our coffee strong around here! You're welcome to hang out as long as you like.


Anonymous said...

Hi Again Cris, I just wrote a post referring again to our homeland (Middle earth). I couldn't remember how to get back to your blog (since you are not on Wordpress I don't have an automatic link to see replies, updates, etc. by the way, I concur that the ESV bible rocks. Growing up on the RSV (mainline protestant background)....The new version still has much of the feel of the RSV for me but is more biblically accurate.