A crossroads of thought somewhere south of religion and culture, just north of music and verse, slightly west of trivia and mystery, and somewhere east of old and new.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Which Shoe First, God?
"But if a man stops to get the will of God in tying in shoe, or on making a lane change, he will soon be experiencing what might be called piety paralysis. God governs the world; we are not competent. Our lives are a mist. This does not mean we are to throw up our hands and abdicated all responsibility in decision-making. It simply means that God is God and we are not, and He wants us to make responsible decisions (according to our best light), not because He needs our help running the world, but because He is shaping us into the kind of creatures He has called us to be. We think we are making the world, when actually God is using the world to make us"-Douglas Wilson, Mother Kirk
1 comment:
"This does not mean we are to throw up our hands and abdicated all responsibility in decision-making." I am completely in agreement with that.
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