I'm making this one a "mystery" portrait. Betcha' can't guess who it is???
I primed canvas with gesso, (that's white acrylic paint), and sanded with 150 grit sandpaper between coats. When I finished the weave of the canvas was almost completely obsolete I had a texture that looked and felt very much like an eggshell.
I drew the figure with a standard ball point/ink-jell pen, (love um'!). I then primed the canvas with my first layer of oil, heavily diluted with turpentine. The smell is heavy in the room as I type this. The tone or value of the canvas supposed to be equivalent to a brown paper bag. I think I'm close on this one.
Next stage...Burnt Umber, (this is my favorite part because the figure takes on a three-dimensional appearance. Good stuff!