Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"...A Monk and a Mallet..."

I recently read this little book and found it concise, informative, and mildly humorous.

Writing for the lay person, Dr. Nichols traces important aspects of the Reformation including:

1. Martin Luther's posting of the 95 theses on the door at Wittenberg Castle.

2. Calvin's conversion and the impact of his ministry on the city of Geneva.

3. The relationship between Thomas Cramner and Henry VIII, (he doesn't leave out his wives!), and their influence on the Reformation in England.

4. He covers the Anabaptist movement, and reveals the roots of the Quakers, German Baptists, and Mennonites.

5. And of course he shows the impact of the Puritans. (I thought it was funny he titled the chapter on the Puritans "Men in Black." Dr. Nichol's writing cracked me up in several places throughout the book.)

He has included a lot of interesting pictures. You can see some of those pictures and learn more about this book and the Reformation at Dr. Nichol's website. http://www.monkandamallet.com/

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